National Science Week – Tasmania

FEELING THE EFFECTS OF THE EAST AUSTRALIAN CURRENT ON TASMANIA jennik The Hobart Centre of the Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society is running a free public lecture and forum in association with the Australian Marine Sciences Association and the University of Tasmania, at UTas Stanley Burbury Theatre in Hobart on Tuesday 18 August and UTas Newnham Campus in Launceston on…

Walk through Living Data: Experience / Interact   For the inaugural Sydney Science Festival Living Data scientists and artists offer new experiences and conversations for expanding understanding of our changing climate. When?: Thursday, 20 August 2015 from 6:15 PM Where?: Faculty of Science, University of Technology, Sydney – Living Data Atrium, Level 4, Building 4, 745 Harris…

Making CO2 our friend not our foe

Listen now (Link will open in new window)
 Download audio show transcript   The Science Show, Saturday 18 July 2015 12:32PM Carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels is heating the plant. But what if we extracted carbon dioxide from the air, or captured it from the smokestacks of power stations? We’d have vast…

The Antarctic Pavilion at the Venice Biennale

In the Southern Hemisphere, programs like Lynchpin and Living Data work to encourage arts/ocean science collaborations that both stand with the important science of climate change but also open up the stories of Southern Ocean and Antarctica marine science to the community in new ways; in Europe at this year’s Venice Biennale, curators are working to bring art to…

  Jorge E. RamosA,D, Gretta T. PeclA, Jayson M. SemmensA, Jan M. StrugnellB, Rafael I. Leo´nA and Natalie A. MoltschaniwskyjC  AInstitute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania, Private Bag 49, Hobart, Tas. 7001, Australia. BDepartment of Genetics, La Trobe Institute for Molecular Science, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Vic. 3086, Australia. CSchool of Environmental…

Video Resources

Find a great range of video resources from UTS and IMAS sites. For a start, watch these  to understand more: From UTS: Temperature Rising Shauna Murray is a marine microbial ecologist. Her research looks at marine toxins that affect seafood and humans with ciguatera or scombroid fish poisoning. Shauna is currently working on developing novel…

The power and limits of weather models

Today’s 5-day weather predictions have the accuracy of 3-day predictions twenty years ago thanks to improved weather models. But predicting rainfall remains a challenge as it is often a localised event such as a thunderstorm covering just 10Km or less. Christian Jakob and Ailie Gallant describe the power and the limits of weather models. Listen…

Sea urchin solo in the coral reef choir!

Birds sing at the start and end of the day. It is called a chorus and it is full of communication about territory, family and food sources. Such choruses occur under water too, but they are formed out of clicks and bops and the scrapes of creatures under the sea. Natalie Soars, a PhD Candidate at the…

Prof Lesley Hughes,  a lead author for the UN’s IPCC Fourth and Fifth Assessment Reports,  will speak following the premiere screening of Running out of time: a 164km run through Tasmania’s Wilderness,  a short film about the non-stop run by Jen Boocock, Jenny Sprent and Stephen Rae through Southwest Tasmania to raise money for the Climate Council. Prof…

The team who created the Song of Our Warming Planet   are back bringing us: The Sound of Climate Change from the Amazon to the Arctic