CLIMARTE is happening!

The inaugural ART+CLIMATE=CHANGE festival is underway! An excited crowd attended the Ian Potter Museum of Art last week to launch the awaited ART+CLIMATE=CHANGE 2015 Festival. CLIMARTE ambassadors Professor Peter Doherty and Maudi Palmer officially opened the festival. Follow the CLIMARTE website over the next days and pick up on what’s happening. Watch Guy Abraham’s  speak about…

Ocean warming is affecting this kelp and many other species who are really adapted to cold waters. Professor Craig Johnson IMAS In a world-first study, scientists have transplanted kelp off the coast of Tasmania to better understand the impact of climate change. The kelp, which grows from northern New South Wales around to Western Australia,…

What is art?

What is art – and what of the endeavour to try to harness the communicative power of the arts to bring important science to the community in new ways? Presently CLIMARTE’s extensive exhibition brings many artists together in an expressive response to issues of climate change. The upcoming exhibition Vanishing Point will highlight plastic pollution in the…

Large discrepancies in reports of fish catches

The Science Show: Saturday 18 April 2015 12:30PM Official figures paint a dire picture for the world’s fish. And Dirk Zeller says the situation is far worse. Developed countries reliably report their commercial catches. But they miss discards and recreational fishing. Developing countries under-report small scale fishing which is often widespread along their coastlines. He…

Catalyst: ABC TV Eastern Antarctica, near Casey Station: Mark Horstman investigates. Twenty metres beneath Antarctic sea ice, divers are simulating a ‘future ocean’ – four underwater ‘labs’ are testing the impact of ocean acidification on seafloor communities.   This is no carefree summer on the coast. Scientists are braving a hidden world entombed in thick ice…

Terra Nova: Sinfonia Antarctica

Paul D Miller – aka DJ Spooky: “Terra Nova: Sinfonia Antarctica”   DJ Spooky incorporates live musical instruments, video displays, lighting projections and even dry ice into his “Terra Nova: Sinfonia Antarctica” performance that took place in Savannah on Feb. 26, 2011.


CLIMARTE harnesses the creative power of the Arts to inform, engage and inspire action on climate change.   ART+CLIMATE=CHANGE 2015 11 April – 17 May 2015 Art, culture, and environment are areas of contemporary intersection, generating exciting explorations of aesthetic ideas and creative thinking concerning the environmental conundrums of the 21st Century. ART+CLIMATE=CHANGE 2015 is…

MARCH 16, 2015  Researchers at the University of Texas at Austin, NASA and other research organizations have discovered two seafloor troughs that could allow warm ocean water to reach the base of Totten Glacier, East Antarctica’s largest and most rapidly thinning glacier. The discovery likely explains the glacier’s extreme thinning and raises concern about its…

Living Data – Align

  In her latest animation, Lisa Roberts has brought together scientific data from Sydney Harbour and Antarctica – phytoplankton (microscopic plants) that produce every second molecule of oxygen we breathe; Euphausia superba (Antarctic krill) that stir up nutrients in the ocean to replenish new life; and models the Circumpolar Current of Antarctica that drives global climate…

Artists respond to climate change

Listen hear: ABC RN The Science Show – Saturday 28 February 2015 12:13PM Associate Professor in Sustainability Laura Stocker from the Curtin University Sustainability Policy Institute Perth WA presented a seminar on the impacts of climate change on the coast of Western Australia to honours students studying visual arts at Curtin University. The seminar described sea level…