As part of an ongoing commitment to support and develop Australian composers, the Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra (TSO) has partnered with the University of Tasmania (UTAS) Conservatorium of Music and the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) to provide an exciting training project for Tasmanian composition students in grades 11 & 12. The project also serves as a professional learning opportunity for the music teachers of participating students. Guided by eminent Australian composer and Co-ordinator of Composition and Classical Music at the Conservatorium of Music, Dr Maria Grenfell, students will prepare a score over a five month period for portfolio assessment submission. Outstanding musicians from the TSO will workshop student works and record each composition for student use in their portfolio assessment. Students will each compose a short work for two or three instruments, inspired by the three core IMAS research themes, presented to students at a workshop with scientists in the IMAS building, located on the waterfront in Hobart.



Monday 6 March 

Applications due to comptonj@tso.com.au by 5pm