Breath of Life

Lynchpin featured artist, Eveline Koljin, continues her exploration of breath in her Breath of Life exhibition in Calgary, Canada. Eveline Breath of Life 1 07.14IMG_4531 Eveline writes: I am exploring to visually express Breath and state of the art research into early lung-cancer detection. My Breath of Life lamps are hung in the Tiny gallery plinths at three separate locations within the Tiny Gallery project which builds small, enclosed plinths, and places them on pedestrian-friendly Calgary streets.  The project aims to bridge the gaps between street art, gallery art, and public art, simultaneously helping local artists reach a larger audience and making art more accessible to the general public. Tiny Gallery also encourages pedestrian exploration of Calgary communities and promotes locally-owned businesses.
Breath of Life Calgary 2



Breath of Life - Calgary